(Skyler, Ashtyn and Jett too!)
What the heck have we been doing?
My Dearest Ashtyn,
May you always have this cheezy smile.
I love you so much!
Our Cutie Pies Jett has the biggest smile! I love it!
Ashtyn singing Jett a song
Skyler loves Jett soooo much! (maybe too much ;)
Skyler learning how to boogie board! Notice the sand all over her face.My gorgeous niece and Jett Ashy and Skye Pie
Love being able to have all the cousins together! Although technically Chelsie is my cousin. We have been spending many days at Brad's mom and Steve's house. Since Bethany and Jason are here! and saying our goodbyes to Nicole. So glad Dee hasn't kicked us out yet! =)
Love love love! No Doubt!
For my 30th birthday Brad bought me front row tickets to the No Doubt concert. We were right behind the pit. It was an amazing show! Gwen rocked it! Thanks Brad your amazing!
Skylerhas always had these amazing expressions. Even when she was a baby she would make the funniest faces. Always with some Sass of course.